I'm really trying my best to keep a balance. On this latest trip to the library I checked out some books for myself not related to toddler sleep or baby discipline.
My latest favorite read is "Born Round" by Frank Bruni. The story of a man with weight and eating issues, who also happens to be a food critic. It's a smart look at food and it's addictive qualities. Bruni recalls his struggle to break his seduction with food in a really honest way. Plus he gives tremendous details about life as a critic, a job that always has had allure for me.
But the part of the book I want to share with you has nothing to do with Frank Bruni. It's about his mom, and when I read it, I had to put the book down for a moment to reflect.
"She'd chosen full-time motherhood over a formal profession, so she channeled all of the ambitions, vanities and competitive impulses that might have been satisfied by a career into the way she raised us and ran the house."
Is this the reason I have stepped so easily into June Cleaver's shoes? Is this why homemaking has become so important to me? Between my budgeted weekly menus and my cleaning schedule, my arts&crafts and garden work I have become something my 20 year old self would never have imagined.
In all honesty, there is something empowering about my new life. Part of our lifestyle feels almost rebellious in it's return to simpler ways. Urban yet pioneering. Old in a New way. And if being First Lady of this homestead; head mama of this 3 person commune, is my new job, so be it.
Actually... Can I get a raise?
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