Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Smooth Criminal

Monkey see, Monkey do. Nico loves his cousins so much, he tries to be like them at all times. His cousin Christian is a Micheal Jackson fan as of late, and so when Nico saw his fervor for the King of Pop, we weren't surprised to see Nico's sudden craving for the MJ. Nico doesn't have the cool Fedora that Christian has, so he has had to settle for the sombrero my dad gave him. We have been reading Peter Pan, and Nico insists that we call Peter Pan Micheal Jackson. How ironic and weirdly prophetic is that? MJ must be smiling when he hears us call the boy who never grew up, creepy. Here is Nico doing some fancy footwork to his favorite song, or was that Christian's favorite song?

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