Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Upside Down Show

Nico really loves a program on Nick Jr called The Upside Down Show. It's an Aussie show about two brothers who live in a fantastcial house full of doors. They explore different themes like Hot and Cold or new words like Theatre and Opera. It's pretty smart, filled with lots inside jokes for the parents. Nico thinks the two guys are hilarious. Every banana peel they slip on is followed by a deep belly laugh. If Nico does something silly he tells me, "como upside down show." I was thinking of the show the other night when Nico and I were deep in our 3 a.m. sleep dance/routine. During the night Nico dreams quite a bit. He sits straight up in bed, sometimes for a few seconds only to come crashing down wherever he lands. I usually adjust myself accordingly, readjusting our bodies back into our spooned position. Throughout the night we end up perpendicular to the bed and then eventually feet at the head of the bed. When I wake up I feel so disoriented, like I'm hanging upside down. I usually pick Nico up and correct the situation, bringing our heads back to " where they should be." Just the other night I could hardly fall back to sleep, thinking about how Nico has no sense of "wrong" and how things "should be" Life is so much better that way. I need to relax and enjoy my sleep anyway I can get it, 'right' side up or down upside.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Let's Go to the Movies: Zombieland

I have a well kept secret I want to share. CH131.com SHHHHHH! Please don't tell too many people about it. I'm not sure how it is legally working, but for now CH131 is live and I'm hooked. If it weren't for this website I would have no movies in my life. I don't get to go to the movies, as evidenced by my old movie reviews. So to have movies currently in theatres on our laptop is like finding treasure. You can find old movies and ones that are just getting to theaters on here. You don't have to download them either, you can just view them streaming. The joy that this crappy looking site brings me is scary. Speaking of scary, Zombieland is not scary in the horror sense of the word, it's just scary good. I laughed out loud a handful of times. This is one smart movie. The Zombies, while bloody, play second fiddle and seem to be mere background to great writing and acting. It's more of a witty road trip movie then a gore fest. I loved Jesse Eisenberg so much in The Squid and the Whale, and he is even better in Zombieland. I can't imagine anyone else in this role (not even Micheal Cera, who we are pretty sure is Eisenberg's biggest competition in Hollywood) Woody Harrelson is perfect as a bad ass zombie killer (bald, but perfect) There is an amazing cameo in the movie, but I won't spoil it here. You'll have to go online and see the movie for yourself!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Smooth Criminal

Monkey see, Monkey do. Nico loves his cousins so much, he tries to be like them at all times. His cousin Christian is a Micheal Jackson fan as of late, and so when Nico saw his fervor for the King of Pop, we weren't surprised to see Nico's sudden craving for the MJ. Nico doesn't have the cool Fedora that Christian has, so he has had to settle for the sombrero my dad gave him. We have been reading Peter Pan, and Nico insists that we call Peter Pan Micheal Jackson. How ironic and weirdly prophetic is that? MJ must be smiling when he hears us call the boy who never grew up, Micheal...so creepy. Here is Nico doing some fancy footwork to his favorite song, or was that Christian's favorite song?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Traffic Cones

Nico first saw traffic cones when he was about 6 months old. They were mind blowing! He would squeal and jump up and down when he encountered them. His dada showed him how they could be worn as hats and used as megaphones. When he started walking we had to watch him carefully, because he would run off towards the plastic cones.
I noticed that having a baby really does reawaken your senses to the smallest details. Children remind you of the joy all around you, the colors that you have been blind to since you grew up...even the flourescent orange ones.
Today we had a bittersweet moment when on a long walk we passed by a patch of sidewalk under construction. From a distance I cringed to see about twelve cones, some double stacked. As we walked toward them I prepared for a good 20 minutes of climbing, wrangling, and coaxing. To my surprise, Nico passed through the orange Bermuda triangle with no fanfare at all. It was almost like they weren't there.
While our walk was a bit easier, it made me sad to think that perhaps he is getting older, growing calloused to the little things in life that make him a baby. Next time I see cones I'll be sure to point them out, maybe even put one on.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Veg Out

I'm not one for hiding vegetables into kids foods. I figured with Nico that I'd be better off introducing him straight on to veggies and so far we've been lucky. I do make "kid friendly" dishes now and then and add veggies into the dish. I wanted to share my 5 favorite veggie boosts for the most kid friendly plates.I'd love to hear what you green up!

1. I always add raw spinach to our fruit smoothies.
2. I cook raw spinach directly into our scrambled eggs. The more the better.
3. I steam and finely mince broccoli onto pizza. Nico doesn't know that pizza is not green!
4. I add spinach or kale into grilled cheese sandwiches.
5. I add alot of frozen peas to mac and cheese.

Bonus round: I wanted Nico to eat a bowl of tomato bisque. He's still not too experienced with soups, it's a bit messy. I popped some Newman's Own plain popcorn (no salt or butter) and put a few of them on the soup like croutons. We played " go fish". He had a good time focusing on his spoon skills. He finished a whole bowl and asked for seconds. I saved the popcorn for snacks the following day.