Wednesday, November 4, 2009


You used to have the girl at Barney's call you when a certain bag comes in. Now you have the girl at the pediatricians call you when the h1n1 shot gets in. What in the world is going on? Where are these vaccines?

Yesterday we had a strange experience trying to get into a free vaccine clinic in nearby Glendale. On the road to the tent CalTrans set up huge electric signs that said NO MORE SHOTS. There was something so 28 Days Later about it. I dare to even say it felt doomsdayish, but then I realize how spoiled and American I am. Most of the world likely does this sort of wait for medicine, and even then don't get the decency of an informational sign.

To get Nico vaccinated has not been a question of if, but of when. To my own surprise I have become supportive of vaccines. I choose to space Nico's out, but he gets all of them nonetheless. I read this book by Dr. Sears and it helped educate me a lot on shots and why they work for the greater good. It took the fear out of vaccines for me and helped dispell the myths that accompany most of them. I suggest you read it, even if you aren't getting shots for your child. The more you know, the better! This Saturday, the morning of Nico's birthday party we are going to try and hit another vaccine tent in Hollywood. It will be interesting to see who shows up and how quickly they run out. I will keep you posted!

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